WUFI® 7.0
New Software Release Incorporates Significant Upgrades
- Oceania material database (including ETEX, ROCKWOOL, SINIAT, XLAM, generic materials etc.)
- New climate data and hygrothermal reference years for Australia developed by UTAS and Exemplary Energy in collaboration with Fraunhofer IBP
- Selections for interior conditions relating to the Australian National Construction Code and AIRAH DA07
- Completely revised graphical user interface with intuitive user guidance
- Own construction catalogue can be created; direct transfer of the construction to the construction database
- Significantly accelerated calculation
- New evaluation models for wood degradation, corrosion and mould growth are available for evaluating WUFI® results
- Numerous new models for indoor climate control for various uses, from living spaces to underground car parks and unheated attics. The indoor climate models can be customised or rearranged as required
- Automatic update of database and information about available updates
- Ability to combine materials into systems in the material database
- New revised version of WUFI® Graph
WUFI® (Wärme und Feuchte instationär) is a software family which allows realistic calculation of the transient coupled one and two dimensional heat and moisture transport in multi-layer building components exposed to natural weather. It is based on the newest findings regarding vapour diffusion and liquid transport in building materials and has been validated by detailed comparison with measurements obtained in the laboratory and on IBP’s outdoor testing field.